const prePage = (num = 2) => { let pages = getCurrentPages(); let prePage = pages[pages.length - num]; if (!prePage) { return null } // #ifdef H5 return prePage; // #endif return prePage.$vm; } const rushPrePage = (type = false) => { if (type) { let pages = getCurrentPages(); const len = pages.length if (len <= 1) { return false } pages.forEach((p, index) => { if (index >= len - 1) { return false } var prePage = p.$vm; // #ifdef H5 prePage = p; // #endif try { prePage.loadData('rush') prePage.loadPageData() } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception } }) return } const pag = prePage() if (pag) { try { pag.loadData('rush') pag.loadPageData() } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception } } return pag } // 提示信息 const toast = (text, duration, mask = false, icon = "", image = "") => { uni.showToast({ title: text || "出错啦~", icon: icon ? icon : 'none', // "success" "loading" "none" image: image, duration: duration || 2000, mask }) } // 复制信息 const copy = (str) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { uni.setClipboardData({ data: str, success: function() { resolve() }, fail: function() { reject() } }); }) } // 拨打电话 const call = (telNumber) => { if (!telNumber) { modal({ content: '无可拨打号码!', showCancel: false }) return false } uni.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: telNumber }); } // 确认信息弹框 const modal = (option = null) => { const op = Object.assign({ title: '提示', content: '', showCancel: true, cancelColor: "#999999", confirmColor: "#b7251a", //"#007aff", // "#007aff" confirmText: "确定", cancelText: "取消" }, option) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { uni.showModal({ title: op.title, content: op.content, showCancel: op.showCancel, cancelColor: op.cancelColor, confirmColor: op.confirmColor, confirmText: op.confirmText, cancelText: op.cancelText, success: (res) => { if (res && res.confirm) { resolve(res) } else { reject(res) } }, fail: () => { reject() } }) }) } // 小程序微信支付 const wxpay = (data) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { uni.requestPayment({ provider: 'wxpay', // 服务提供商 timeStamp: data.timeStamp, // String(, // 时间戳从1970年1月1日至今的秒数,即当前的时间 nonceStr: data.nonceStr, // 随机字符串,长度为32个字符以下 package: data.package, // 统一下单接口返回的 prepay_id 参数值,提交格式如:prepay_id=xx signType: 'MD5', // 签名算法,暂支持 MD5 paySign: data.paySign, // 签名 success: function(res) { console.log('success:' + JSON.stringify(res)); resolve(res) }, fail: function(err) { console.log('fail:' + JSON.stringify(err)); reject(err) } }); }); } //判断是否登录 const isLogin = (type = false) => { const token = uni.getStorageSync("token") ? true : false const url = getApp().globalData.loginPage if (type && !token) { modal({ title: "未登录", content: "请在登录后再进行操作!", showCancel: true, confirmText: "马上登录" }).then(res => { href(url) }).catch(() => {}) } return token } const href = (url, isVerify, type = "", data = "") => { /* isVerify:是否进行登录状态校验 type: 【默认常规跳转】close【关闭所有页面再跳转】true【覆盖当前页跳转】 */ if (!url) { url = "/" } if (data) { url = addUrlCode(url, data) } if (isVerify) { if (!isLogin(true)) { return false } } const homePages = getApp().globalData.homePages if (url.toLowerCase().indexOf('https://') == 0 || url.toLowerCase().indexOf('https://') == 0) { // #ifdef H5 location.href = url // #endif // #ifndef H5 toast("不支持外链") // #endif return false } if (url.startsWith('@modal')) { var index=url.lastIndexOf('=') var str=url.substring(index+1,url.length) modal({ title: "提示", content: str, showCancel: false, confirmText: "确定" }).then(res => { }).catch(() => {}) return false } const isHomePage = homePages.some(item => { return url.toLowerCase().indexOf(item.toLowerCase()) >= 0 }) if (isHomePage) { uni.switchTab({ url: url }) } else { if (type == 'close') { uni.reLaunch({ url: url }); } else if (type) { uni.redirectTo({ url: url }); } else { uni.navigateTo({ url: url }); } } } // 返回上一页 const back = () => { const pag = prePage() const loginPages = getApp().globalData.loginPages const homePage = getApp().globalData.homePage if (pag) { let currentPage = pag.route || ""; const isLoginPage = loginPages.some(item => { return currentPage.toLowerCase().indexOf(item.toLowerCase()) >= 0 }) if (isLoginPage) { uni.switchTab({ url: homePage }) } else { uni.navigateBack(); } } else { uni.switchTab({ url: homePage }) } } // 查看定位位置信息 const openLocal = (item) => { var latitude = parseFloat(; var longitude = parseFloat(item.lng); if (!latitude || !longitude) { return false } uni.openLocation({ latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, name: || item.mapinfo, scale: item.scale || 18, success: function() {}, fail: function(res) {} }) } // 小程序订阅消息 const subscribeMessage = (tmplIds) => { uni.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: tmplIds, success(reSub) { if (reSub.errMsg == 'requestSubscribeMessage:ok') { // 订阅完成 uni.setStorageSync('subscribeMessage', true) } else { // 订阅失败 uni.setStorageSync('subscribeMessage', false) } } }) } // 调取url中get参数值 const getUrlCode = (url, name) => { var idx = String(url).indexOf('?') + 1 var reg = new RegExp('(^|&)' + name + '=([^&]*)(&|$)') var r = String(url).substr(idx).match(reg) if (r != null) return unescape(r[2]) return null } // url中增加(替换)get参数值 const addUrlCode = (url, data) => { if (!data || Object.keys(data).length <= 0) { return url } Object.keys(data).forEach((k, i) => { url = removeUrlCode(url, k) }) var idx = String(url).indexOf('?') var len = String(url).length - 1 if (idx < 0) { url += "?" } else if (idx < len) { url += "&" } Object.keys(data).forEach((k, i) => { url += i > 0 ? "&" : "" url += `${k}=${data[k]}` }) return url } // 删除url中get参数值 const removeUrlCode = (url, key) => { var idx = String(url).indexOf('?') + 1 var reg = new RegExp('(^|&)' + key + '=([^&]*)(&|$)') var r = String(url).substr(idx).match(reg) if (r != null) { if (r[3] && r[1]) { url = url.replace(r[0], r[3]) } else { url = url.replace(r[0], "") } } return url } const isAndroid = () => { const res = uni.getSystemInfoSync(); return res.platform.toLocaleLowerCase() == "android" } const isPhoneX = () => { const res = uni.getSystemInfoSync(); let iphonex = false; let models = ['iphonex', 'iphonexr', 'iphonexsmax', 'iphone11', 'iphone11pro', 'iphone11promax'] const model = res.model.replace(/\s/g, "").toLowerCase() if (models.includes(model)) { iphonex = true; } return iphonex; } const getTxtKey = (str) => { var reg_g = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g var reg = /\{\{(\S*)\}\}/ // var reg_g = new RegExp('{{(.+?)}}', 'g') // var reg = new RegExp('{{(S*)}}') // var val = String(str) const regLabel = str ? str.match(reg_g) : '' if (regLabel && regLabel.length > 0) { return => { const obj = reg.exec(String(item)) return { key: obj[1], txt: obj[0] } // console.log(item, k) }) } return [] } /** * 获取对象下的数据,深度查询 * @param {Any} data 查询数据 * @param {String} _key 属性路径 */ const getDataAttr = (data, _key, deVal = "") => { var aKey = [] if (!_key) { return data } if (!isArray(_key)) { aKey = String(_key).split(".") } else { aKey = _key } var key = aKey[0] var attr = deVal if (isArray(data)) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (aKey.length > 1) { aKey.shift() attr = getDataAttr(data[key], aKey) } else { attr = data[key] } } } else if (isObject(data)) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (aKey.length > 1) { aKey.shift() attr = getDataAttr(data[key], aKey) } else { attr = data[key] } } } else { return deVal } return attr } /** * 生成指定长度的随机字符串 * @param {Number} min 最小程度 * @param {Number} max 最大长度 * @return {String} 返回生成的字符串 */ const randomString = (min, max) => { let returnStr = "", range = (max ? Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min : min), arr = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ]; for (let i = 0; i < range; i++) { let index = Math.round(Math.random() * (arr.length - 1)); returnStr += arr[index]; } return returnStr; } /** * 精确判断数据是否是 Object 类型 * @param {Any} val 要判断的数据 * @returns {Boolean} true:是;false:不是; */ const isObject = (val) => { return === '[object Object]' && val !== null && val !== undefined; } /** * 判断数据是否是 Array 类型 * @param {Any} val 要判断的数据 * @returns {Boolean} true:是;false:不是; */ const isArray = (val) => { return === '[object Array]'; } /** * 判断数据是否是 String 类型 * @param {Any} val 要判断的数据 * @returns {Boolean} true:是;false:不是; */ const isString = (val) => { return === '[object String]'; } /** * 精确判断数据是否是 Date 类型 * @param {Any} val 要判断的数据 * @returns {Boolean} true:是;false:不是; */ const isDate = (val) => { return === '[object Date]'; } /** * 精确判断数据是否是 Function 类型 * @param {Any} val 要判断的数据 * @returns {Boolean} true:是;false:不是; */ const isFunction = (val) => { return === '[object Function]'; } /** * 精确判断数据是否是 Number 类型 * @param {Any} val 要判断的数据 * @returns {Boolean} true:是;false:不是; */ const isNumber = (val) => { return === '[object Number]'; } /** * 精确判断数据是否是 Boolean 类型 * @param {Any} val 要判断的数据 * @returns {Boolean} true:是;false:不是; */ const isBoolean = (val) => { return === '[object Boolean]'; } const openFile = (url) => { if (!url) { return false } uni.showLoading({ title: "文件下载中..." }) uni.downloadFile({ url: url, success: function(res) { uni.hideLoading() var filePath = res.tempFilePath; uni.showToast({ title: "文件已下载", duration: 2000, mask: false }) uni.openDocument({ filePath: filePath, showMenu: true, success: function(e) { console.log('打开文档成功'); }, fail: (e) => { console.log('打开失败', e) } }); }, fail: function(res) { uni.hideLoading() uni.showToast({ title: "文件下载失败", duration: 2000, mask: false }) } }); } import * as filters from './filters.js' export default { prePage, // 上一页 rushPrePage, // 刷新上一页 isLogin, // 判断登录状态 href, // 跳转链接 back, // 返回上一页 toast, // 提示框 copy, // 复制 call, // 拨打电话 modal, // 确认提示框 wxpay, // 微信支付 openLocal, // 查看定位信息 getUrlCode, // 获取url的GET参数 addUrlCode, // url增加GET参数 removeUrlCode, // 删除url中GET参数 subscribeMessage, // 小程序订阅消息 openFile, isAndroid, isPhoneX, randomString, ...filters, getTxtKey, getDataAttr, isObject, isArray, isString, isDate, isFunction, isNumber, isBoolean }